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Pleimo changes the vision of the music industry

Dauton Janota, CEO & Founder of Pleimo explains how can he brings a 360 degree vision to the music industry. In a same time Pleimo gives the best music to the users and pay, produce and sell artists. Power to people!

At Pleimo.com, we thought and struggled to monetize the artist who was greatly diminished with the application of some technological innovations. 

Thus, innovations must be based on the theme and iconic phrase "Power to the People!” in a way to make everyone be part of a win win model. That’s why Pleimo.com exists.

But we can’t say that innovation help to contribute to a more equitable and prosperous world, then we must consider that when we talk about innovation, we need to name what kind of innovation we are talking about. 

I think that since the physical was taken by the digital (year 2001 approximately) this means that digital is not innovation anymore, but how we can use it.

Creating disruptive new business models can bring much value to any company that works with digital.

Also, when technological innovations bring increased revenues to the companies, there is almost always a loss of human capital and hence unemployment. 


We come back this year, because rASiA.com was brilliant to us once we met a lot of people and their opportunities.

In 2013 we presented Pleimo.com to Asia through our panel did in rASiA.com, showing a single and new model to help the music industry to get monetized.

We have met Ian Penman and Rick Riccobono from New Media Law (UK) and we created two Joint Ventures in the UK: Pleimo Limited and Pleimo Music Limited.

These companies will take care about licensing, streaming and all services that Pleimo Corp.

So thanks to rASia.com !





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