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Asian POP-music: from C to K

Asian culture differs from almost all European. Instead of soap operas people in the East watch the daramas, instead of comics of Spider-Man — read manga , instead of the usual POP-music Asians listen to songs in the style of C-POP, J-POP, K-POP.

Many of us have heard about these popular Asian music genres, but not everyone knows what the mysterious letters «C», «J» and «K» mean.

In fact, it‘s simple. All of them are the first letters of the most developed countries in the East: C - China, J - Japan, K-Korea. Sometimes it is possible to say «Rock» instead of «POP». Let’s talk briefly about each of them.

Chinese rock or C-POP - a genre of music, common in China. Genre differs from the European and American, nonetheless American culture has influenced C-POP a lot. In the C-POP musicians use modern instrument, but sometimes with the inclusion of traditional, Chinese ones.

J-POP term was firstly mentioned by FM-radio station J-Wave in order to highlight the Japanese pop music from the rest of the world pop-scene. Today J-POP is not limited only to pop-music, it also includes Japanese rock, rap, soul and dance music. In Japan, the artists of this genre are very popular, moreover, musicians often participate in voicing anime.

K-POP - a musical genre, was born in South Korea. If C –POP is more influenced by the American culture, the K-POP has elements of European electro-pop, hip-hop, dance music and modern rhythm and blues. Today, K-POP is not just a music genre, but also a huge subculture with millions of fans among young people worldwide.

RASIA.COM  is not only a business Forum , but also a Festival, so you can listen to these genres in real. One of the guests of the Festival will be a singer and songwriter Don, working in the style of «C-POP». His songs were presented on radio stations in Los Angeles and San Francisco in 2012, but very soon, in late June, Don will present it to you at RASIA Festival!



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