Ed Yen
Founder & Creative Executive Office
a-Peer Culture & Technology Co.

Ed Yen is Co-Founder and Creative Executive Officer of a-Peer Culture & Technology Co., a music/technology company which developed an innovative business model using leading-edge information technologies to serve the music and entertainment industries. a-Peer has offices located in Shanghai,Wisconsin, Taipei and Stockholm. Ed Yen also serves...


В понедельник, 2 апреля в Совете Федерации Федерального Собрания РФ прошла пресс-конференция, посвященная развитию сотрудничества России и стран Азии. С 16 по 18 мая в Москве пройдет первый российско-азиатский форум rASiA.com, направленный на укрепление деловых и культурных связей между странами.

Thursday 17 May 14:00

Session: “New media. Actual advertisement and marketing solutions”

place:Digital October

The advertisement is the mover of commerce and for all digital sphere. The advertisement advances together with media. New media advance in many sectors and countries getting ahead traditional media. The quantity of the advertisement in Internet and mobile sphere is often bigger than traditional sectors of advertisement but there are new opportunities and new instruments for marketing and for advertisement campaigns. New media and advertisement synergism gives great forecasts for the future and some of them have already given record results. The speakers from Asia will share their experience in new media.

Dr. Matthias Röder
director of the Karajan Institute

Dr. Matthias Röder is the managing director of the Karajan Institute and as such responsible for the overall strategy and worldwide business development of the KARAJAN® brand and its associated products. Dr. Röder joined the Karajan Institute in 2011 from Harvard University, where he was a member of the music faculty and also received a PhD in musicology in 2010. At Harvard he founded the Digital Musicology Study Group (now at MIT) and worked on several music technology and digital learning projects with partners such as the Packard Humanities Institute or the American rock band Incubus. Prior to Harvard University, Matthias studied music at the renowned Mozarteum University in Salzburg.

Matthias Röder
Eliette and Herbert von Karajan Institute

Dr. Matthias Röder is the managing director of the Karajan Institute and as such responsible for the overall strategy and worldwide business development of the KARAJAN® brand and its associated products. Dr. Röder joined the Karajan Institute in 2011 from Harvard University, where he was a member of the music faculty and also received a PhD in musicology in 2010. At Harvard he founded the Digital Musicology Study Group (now at MIT) and worked on several music technology and digital learning projects with partners such as the Packard Humanities Institute or the American rock band Incubus. Prior to Harvard University, Matthias studied music at the renowned Mozarteum University in Salzburg.

Bill Yanbin Zang
Shanghai Synergy Culture & Entertainment Group

Vice President of Shanghai Synergy Culture & Entertainment Group, Chairman of China Recording Industry Committee, Vice President of China Audio-Video Association

Ed Yen
a-Peer Culture & Technology Co.

Ed Yen is Co-Founder and Creative Executive Officer of a-Peer Culture & Technology Co., a music/technology company which developed an innovative business model using leading-edge information technologies to serve the music and entertainment industries. a-Peer has offices located in Shanghai,Wisconsin, Taipei and Stockholm. Ed Yen also serves the head of Pop Music Project Office (PMPO) of the Taiwan Government Information Office. PMPO is advising Taiwan government in developing pop music strategies and executing promotion activities for the pop music industry.


Alexander Shulgin
Author and Composer, Founder of Gruppa Kompaniy Familia, Founder of rASiA.com

Alexander Shulgin is a famous Russian composer and businessman.

As a composer Shulgin has had more than 400 published writings: 250 songs (52 of which were Number 1 in music charts and 7 were awarded for “Song of the Year”) and about 200 instrumental pieces, 20 hit albums, 5 of which were Number 1. He has also had 10 Number 1 albums as co-producer. Shulgin also has worked with a lot of Russian and foreign artists.

Shulgin also was the producer and judge of such popular TV music contests as "Star Factory" (the Russian version of American "Star Academy") on the first national TV-channel and "Become a Star" (the Russian version of "Pop Idol") on the second national TV-channel.
В мае в Москве состоялось первое международное крупномасштабное мероприятие rASiA.com 2012. Примечательно, что раньше событий такого уровня в Москве не проходило. rASiA.com – двусоставное мероприятие, включающее в себя Форум и Фестиваль. Первая часть моего рассказа будет посвящена Форуму, а во второй я расскажу про Фестиваль.
The first international large-scale event rASiA.com was held in May 2012 in Moscow. There were no events of such a level in Moscow before. rASiA.com 2012 consisted of two parts - Forum and Festival. 
День второй форума rASiA.com 2012 выдался более насыщенным. Одновременно с сессиями в главном конференц-зале в дополнительных залах проходили еще семинары и лекции.
О первом дне читайте здесь.
The second day of rASiA.com Forum was more lively. While Sessions were continuing in main conference hall there were also seminars and lectures in additional rooms. 
About the first day read here.

Third IQ Event took part in Berlin, in unique place by organizers opinion - Cosmos cinema.

“You may like or don't like architecture of this place, but it's iconic place for number of generations – it's united almost every leader from world mobile industry”, - Jens Schulte-Bockum, Head of Deutch mobile operator Vodafone greeted attendees.

In general Innovational Qualcomm – IQ – is annual biggest event with 500 attendees - leaders in world mobile industry.

As world leading company in wireless and innovations Qualcomm expends huge efforts for finding new ideas and its realization. IQ Event is great platform for demonstration of Qualcomm's new digital products and its partners' products, and also communication with current and new partners. 

You can take part in the Event only by invitation. Russia was represented by Megafon, MTS, Yota, Rostelekom, Vobis, and of course rASiA.com.

Enrico Salvatori, Vice-president of Qualcomm Europe started the Event. Also Steve Mollenkopf's keynote speech was very interesting. He presented development path of his company and its trends. He mentioned that you may connect all your home or office devices by mobile phone, it will be your individual console for washing-machine, refrigerator and even your car. There will be more IP-addresses in your home or office, and you may surf and get amazing results. In addition all your receptacles will be wireless source.

Qualcomm also gives an eye to 2net technology – when you may connect to cloud by your mobile phone and manage all your devices or accounts through cloud. The company also pay huge attention to health care system. Your mobile phone may give your health characteristic (take pulse rate or blood pressure) and give an automatic signal to ambulancy or your doctor.

Steve Mollenkopf also gives interesting facts. For example there were downloaded 30 billions of applications in 2011. And total income of all additional services in entertainment was $ 320 billions - more than annual total income of Holliwood and whole music industry. This facts show where everything is going.

Enrico Salvatori also has very interesting speech. And Andreas Malzach who supervises our country. The most interesting speech was “Powering the Next Million Dollar App” by Rob Chandhok.

There are also a lot of newcomers by Qualcomm's partners. Nokia presented 920 flagship model with new Windows. No doubt that's huge progress! That's already computer with a lot of newest features, but not mobile phone. For example a photo with video elements when one fragment starts moving - fontain, waterfall, greenery or flying fair. Or unique working with light - when you may make a photo in absolute darkness without flash and you get a realistic photo. Also PadFone from Asus was presented. 

Russian delegates had different reasons for coming to the Event. Vobis came to reach future agreement with Qualcomm for using its chipsets in Vobis mobile phones.

Representative of Intersoft Eurasia tried to convince Qualcomm to bild his unique feature for radiation background determining to its chipsets.

The Event continued whole day. After keynote speeches there were a number thematical lectures in different halls. In the evening a cocktail took place in Ewerk. Everybody was satisfied! Wireless connections help to streghten working and friend connections!

From http://alexandrshulgin.livejournal.com/

rASiA.com is co-organizer of Moscow Internetional Forum "Open Innovations" inviting of range of speakers. the First Moscow International Forum for Innovative Development ”Open Innovations” will take place on October 31 – November 3, 2012 in Moscow. It will be held under the support of the Goverment of the Russian Federation.

Actual topics about new technologies and innovations, and its influence on modern humanity will be discussed during the Forum. Technologies that change the world in the nearest decades and exchanging of the experience of innovative development will be priority attended.

Leaders of Russian and foreign authorities, Heads of the biggest corporations and start-up companies working with high-technology projects, venture investors, representatives of scientific and academic communities will take part in the Forum. World leading experts in the field of innovative development will do their presentations. International fair “Open Innovations Expo-2012” will work during the Forum.

For details - http://forinnovations.org/en/

31 октября – 2 ноября в Москве прошло грандиозное мероприятие – Форум «Открытые инновации». Форум со своей конгрессной и выставочной частью занял практически весь Экспоцентр, вместивший в свои стены около 10 тысяч человек, среди которых было около 4 тысяч иностранцев.

Порядка 600 представителей медиа были аккредитованы на Форум. Гостями и спикерами Форума стали Премьер-министр РФ Дмитрий Медведев, Заместитель председателя правительства РФ Владислав Сурков, Помощник Президента РФ Аркадий Дворкович, Стат-секретарь и Замминистра экономики, он же Председатель программного комитета Форума, Олег Фомичев, Заместитель председателя правительства РФ Анатолий Чубайс, Виктор Вексельберг, Андрей Шаронов, Алексей Комиссаров и многие другие высокопоставленные российские чиновники и бизнесмены, губернаторы и мэры городов. Форум посетили руководители крупнейших мировых компаний, фондов, учебных заведений и общественных организаций.

Но обо всем по порядку. В первый день с ключевым докладом выступил Премьер-министр РФ Дмитрий Медведев. В своем докладе он обозначил приоритеты развития России, ее место в мире, и какую роль в этом будут играть инновации. 

Премьер-министр РФ Дмитрий Медведев

Самым востребованным было интервью с сэром Ричардом Брэнсоном, которое прекрасно провела Александра Джонсон, Управляющий директор Фонда DFJ VTB Aurora

Александра Джонсон интервьюирует сэра Ричарда Брэнсона

Сэр Ричард Брэнсон пообещал сотрудничество, как личное, так и его компании, с российским бизнесом и государственными структурами, объявил об открытии Фонда Virgin Green совместно с Роснано. Он также объявил, что работает в России над открытием виртуального оператора Virgin Mobile, и над открытием неба над Россией для его авиакомпании Virgin Airlines. Сэр Ричард Брэнсон также встретился с молодыми инноваторами. На этой встрече он рассказал, как он добился успеха в своем бизнесе, с чего начинал, что нужно знать молодежи, и ответил на их вопросы. Завершили встречу совместным фото.

После интервью с сэром Ричардом Брэнсоном

Было на мероприятии много интересных сессий касательно не только инноваций в том виде, в котором мы привыкли их понимать – Роснано, Сколково и т.д., но и инноваций в обучении, инноваций в городской инфраструктуре, управлении городом. Еще одна замечательная сессия была посвящена развитию космической индустрии. В рамках сессии выступил Михаил Кокорич, основатель, вдохновитель и руководитель амбициозного проекта Даурия – первого масштабного частного проекта в сфере космоса.

Также интересной была тема касательно будущего нашей жизни в разрезе таких инновационных решений, как 3D-принтер. Вскоре (как планируют - к 2015 году) на каждом столе будет стоять 3D-принтер, и мы сможем одним нажатием кнопки производить самостоятельно массу необходимых вещей. В рамках Форума состоялась премьера акустической гитары, сделанной на 3D-принтере. Признанные специалисты попробовали эту гитару и были впечатлены качеством звука и эргономичностью дизайна этого нового музыкального инструмента.

Ральф Саймон и Александр Шульгин опробуют 3D-гитару

Сессии и круглые столы вызывали неподдельный интерес и шли до самого позднего вечера, а с раннего утра на площадках уже были организованы деловые завтраки компаниями Роснано и РВК. Самым значимым был завтрак Правительства Москвы, куда были приглашены ведущие мировые специалисты для поиска решений и возможностей совместной работы по улучшению экосистемы города, инноваций в его инфраструктурной и социальной составляющих.

Представители всех континентов и практически всех стран приняли участие в пленарных сессиях, лекциях и круглых столах. rASiA.com активно поддерживала Форум «Открытые инновации», со-организовывала ряд круглых столов и сессий, помогая с приглашениями лучших мировых спикеров, давних друзей rASiA.com, и помогая в составлении программной части этих сессий.

Рабочие моменты. Ральф Саймон обсуждает с Владиславом Сурковым необходимость создания единого креативного кластера для всех многочисленных инновационных начинаний в России.

Особенно яркой по мнению многих получилась сессия “Инновации в медиа”, где поднимались насущные вопросы сегодняшних медиа и медиа завтрашних. Обсуждалось развитие медиа и их переход в беспроводную среду, равно как и возрастающую роль медиа в государственных и социальных программах. В ходе дискуссий было решено, что медиа меняет свою вертикальную систему управления от редактора к читателю в новую систему нового типа взаимодействия, и что медиа путем инноваций стала более эмоциональной.

Сессия "Инновации в медиа". Докладчики:
Василий Гатов - Заместитель генерального директора РИА Новости,
Александр Шульгин - Основатель, президент rASiA.com (Группа компаний «Фамилия»),
Ральф Саймон - Основатель, почетный председатель Mobile Entertainment Forum, генеральный директор Mobilium Global Group companies,
Аннелис ван ден Белт - Генеральный директор SUPMedia,
Максим Кашулинский - Генеральный директор Slon.ru,
Демьян Кудрявцев - Экс-генеральный директор ИД «Коммерсантъ»,
Гиви Топчишвили - Генеральный директор Global Advertising Strategies,
Евгений Кузнецов - Директор департамента продвижения инноваций и социальных программ ОАО «РВК»
Кетлин Кеннеди - Директор по стратегии Technology Review, Массачусетский технологический институт 

Moscow, October 31 –  November 2, - Moscow International Forum for Innovative Development "Open Innovations". More than 10 thousands people, including about 4 thousands foreigners, visited Moscow Expocenter.

More than 600 media were accredited at the Forum. Among guests and speakers: Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of Russia, Vladislav Surkov, Deputy Chairman of Government of Russian Federation, Arkady Dvorkovich, Deputy Prime Minister of Russian Federation, Oleg Fomichev, State Secretary, Deputy Minister and Chairman of Program Committee of the Forum, Anatoly Chubais, First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Viktor Vekselberg, Andrey Sharonov, Alexey Komissarov and many others high-ranking persons, businessmen, governors and mayors. A lot of world leading companies, founds, universities and social organizations wew represented at the Forum. 

The first day started with key-note speech of Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of Russia. He mentioned priorities of development of Russia, its place in the world economics and role of innovations in its development.

Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of Russia

Interview with Sir Richard Branson was held by Alexandra Johnson, Managing Director of DFJ VTB Aurora

Interview with Sir Richard Branson

Sir Richard Branson promised to collaborate with Russian businessmen and governmental structures and informed about opening of Virgin Green Found together with Rusnano. He also said that he is working on opening of virtual operator Virgin Mobile and и opening flights to Russia for his company Virgin Airlines. He also met younf innovators and told him about his succees, how he begun, and answered to their questions. 

After interview with Sie Richard Branson

There were a lot of interesting sessions about innovations in every sphere during the Forum. One ot the sessions was dedicated to outer industry. Mikhail Kokorich, Founder and head of Dauria - the first biggest project in outer space - presented his speech. 

There was also 3D guitar presented during the Forum. In the nearest future we will print a lot of useful things with 3D printer. Music specialist high appreciated sound of the 3D guitar and its ergonomic design. 

Ralph Simon and Alexander Shulgin with 3D guitar

There are also business breakfast during the Forum. The most interesting of them was business breakfast orginized by Moscow Government. A range of world leading specialists were invited to the breakfast to find solutions for reforming of Moscow ecosystem. 

rASiA.com supported the Forum and co-orginized a range of round tables and sessions. rASiA.com invited world-wide speakers, a good friend of rASiA.com, and helped with the Forum programming. 

Working moments - Ralph Simon discusses a necesity of creative unit

One of the most interesting sessions was “Innovations in media”. Media development and its transfer to digital were discussed. Speakers considered that media is changing its system of managment and now it bacames more emotional. 

Session "Innovations in Media". Among speakers:
Vasiliy Gatov, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, RIA Novosti,
Alexander Shulgin, Founder, President, rASiA.com (Familia),
Ralph Simon, Chairman Emeritus & Founder, Mobile Entertainment Forum; CEO, Mobilium Global Group companies,
Annelies Van Den Belt, Chief Executive Officer , SUP Media,
Maxim Kashulinskiy, Chief Executive Officer, Slon.ru,
Demyan Kudryavtsev, Former Chief Executive Officer, Kommersant,
Givi Topchishvili, Chief Executive Officer, Global Advertising Strategies,
Evgeny Kuznetsov, Director of the Innovation Support and Social Programs, RVC;
Kathleen Kennedy, Chief Strategy Officer, Technology Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology